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Extreme and persistent pain in you teeth could be a sign of a root canal infection. A condition we most often ignore or delay out of fear or negligence, but if not attended immediately can spell trouble on one’s overall health. It is best to visit the dentist as soon as possible for a root canal treatment. Here are some basic facts you must know about Root Canal Treatment.
What are the symptoms?
A heightened sensitivity to hot or cold beverages will be felt but sensitivity itself is not an indicator for root canal. Different people suffer a different degree of pain in their mouths. There have been cases where the abscess that would cause severe pain to most average people, some patients state that it did not hurt at all. There are sometimes no symptoms as nerves can die slowly over time. But severe infection generally causes, extreme and persistent pain.
What kind of serious consequences?
If left untreated, the abscess can get larger and literally eat away at the bone in your jaw. The infection could spread to the rest of the body through the digestive tract or the blood stream. Due to the proximity the infection can reach the brain any time and become fatal. (This is VERY rare but has happened)
What causes a root canal infection?
There can be different reasons for different people. A lot of people think bad hygiene is the cause of all teeth problems, but actually it is just on of the causes. The hereditary hardness or softness of teeth also determines one’s susceptibility to dental problems. Soft teeth decay more readily than hard teeth and so need extra hygiene and care.
Tooth Decay
Old metal fillings
Tooth fracture
What are the things i should take care of post root canal treatment?
A fractured tooth can still have sensitivity after a root canal and should be crowned as soon as possible. Avoid chewing on the tooth until your dentist has crowned it. Even after crowning, you may experience some sensitivity, which is normal like any fractured healing bone is some times sensitive. If you experience sensitivity every time you consume hot or cold liquids after your root canal, there may be another tooth involved. Extreme pain (which can not be controlled by a pain killing medication) after root canal is rare and should be reported to your dentist.